To help you ensure that your potential or existing suppliers deliver high-quality products, operate efficiently, and support continuous improvement, process surveys and factory audits can be performed.
These evaluations focus on the following areas: Health and safety, discrimination, disciplinary practices, working hours, compensation, management practices, forced labor, freedom of association and child labor laws.
Although we have offered ISO14000 (environmental) and SA8000 (social responsibility) audits for a number of years, many retailers are now requiring audits that combine elements of both of these standards along with additional elements covering energy usage, renewable energy, greenhouse gas emissions, materials and waste reduction, life cycle management, supplier's supply chain activities and more.
We offer factory audits using the ISO 9001, ISO 13485, TS16949, GMP standards and/or the ISO 14000 environmental standard. Our auditors conduct preliminary and/or final audits to ensure continuous improvement goals are being identified and achieved.